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The History of Isshin-ryu Karate-do

Isshin-ryu was founded by one of the great karate masters, Tatsuo Shimabuku, and is derived from several of the other, older classical styles.

Master Tatsuo Shimabuku, began learning karate at the age of 14 and devoted the rest of his life to its study and teaching. For 26 years he studied the other styles, Shuri-te, Shorin-ryu and Goju-ryu, each one under the master of its style.

Master Shimabuku took the best of each style, improved it and founded Isshin-ryu. From Master Motobu, Master of Shuri-te, he took the kumite; from Master Kiyan, Master of Shorin, he took the Kata and added improvements; from Master Miyagi, Master of Goju, he took Sanchin, the basis of all Okinawan karate.

Isshin-ryu, with roots going back 500 years, is a postwar development, modernized to meet the needs of today's world. It was founded in the 50's and has been taught ever since to American Marines stationed in Okinawa.

Shimabuku's reputation throughout Okinawa had reached its peak when WorldWar II struck the island. A business man as well as a karate teacher, the sensei's small manufacturing plant was completely demolished and he was bankrupt almost from the war's outset. He did his best to avoid conscription to the Japanese Army by escaping to the countryside where he worked as a farmer. As the situation grew more and more desperate for the Japanese and as the need to press the Okinawans into service became urgent, he was forced to flee.

As his reputation in karate spread among the Japanese, many soldiers began a thorough search as they wanted to study karate under him. The officers who finally caught up with him agreed to keep the secret of his whereabouts if he would teach them karate; it was in this manner that Master Shimabuku survived the war.

After the war, his business ruined and little chance of earning a living by teaching karate on the war-ravaged island, Master Shimabuku returned to farming and practiced karate privately for his own spiritual repose and physical exercise. Throughout Okinawa, he was recognized as the island's leading practitioner of both Shorin-ryu and Goju-ryu Karate.

In the early nineteen fifties, the sensei began to consider the idea of combining the various styles into one standard system. He could forsee the problems that were developing out of the differences among styles; he sagely concluded that a unification or synthesis of styles would enhance the growth of karate.

He consulted with the aged masters on the island, and with the heads of the leading schools. At first there was general agreement, but later his idea met resistance as the leaders of the various schools began to fear loss of identity and position. Sensei Shimabuku decided to go ahead on his own; thus Isshin-ryu Karate was born. On May 30,1975, Master Shimabuku passed away, leaving a legacy to the world of karate, and to all the future Isshin-Ryu students. 

Mizu Gami



The Isshin-ryu symbol represents a vision that Master Shimabuku had while formulating Isshin-ryu.

One day after working very hard creating Isshin-ryu, Master Shimabuku fell asleep. He dreamed that a man came into his dojo and challenged him. He declined the challenge saying he was a gentleman and did not fight unless necessary. Then a figure appeared over the man, that of a dragon. The dragon spit fire all around the Master. As the ring of fire drew closer, a figure appeared over Master Shimabuku, and put out the fire. The figure was that of Mizu-Gami (Water Goddess).

Master Shimabuku felt this "vision" depicted the "mold" that he wanted to fashion Isshin-ryu after. There is some symbolism in the visual representation of Mizu-Gami.

The three stars are his three instructors, Masters Kiyan, Motobu and Miyagi. The dragon is the dragon that spit the fire at Master Shimabuku. (It is interesting to note that Master Shimabuku's first name "Tatsuo" means "Dragon"). One of the hands on the figure is raised in the universal sign of peace, and the other is held clenched in readiness. The visible half is a woman to symbolize peace and kindness, while the hidden portion is that of a sea serpent. This tells us that although we are strong enough to prevail when necessary, we should keep our strength hidden and show a soft, kindly face to the world.



Basic Exercises

Punch & Block Exercises

  1. Right foot forward, straight right punch--seiken oitsuki

  2. Right foot forward, right uppercut--jodan oitsuki

  3. Left foot forward, straight right punch--seiken giyakutsuki

  4. Left foot forward, right uppercut--jodan giyakutsuki

  5. Right foot back, left hand leg block, straight right punch
    --gedanbarai seiken tsuki

  6. Right foot back, left hand side block, straight right punch
    --chudan uke seiken seiken tsuki

  7. Right foot back, left side open hand block, straight right spear hand
    --tegata barai tegata nuki

  8. Right foot back, left open hand head block, right uppercut
    --jodan tegata barai jodan tsuki

  9. Right foot back, left hand head block (closed), straight right punch
    --jodan uke seiken tsuki

  10. Right foot back, left hand head block, bridge of nose punch, straight right punch--urauken seiken tsuki

  11. Left foot forward, left hand leg block, 5 punches--gedan barai 5 denjoki tsuki

  12. Left foot forward, left hand side block, 5 punches
    --chudan uke 5 denjoki tsuki

  13. Left foot forward, left hand chop mid-section, right hand chop neck
    --tegate no tsuki kata

  14. Left foot forward, left push block (parry), right and left roundhouse punches--ouchi

  15. Break grab from behind, elbow smashing to rear, other hand front head block--hiji no ate tsuki

Leg & Body Exercises

  1. Feet together, toes curled up, bend over touch floor, bend back, exhale
    --ashi no suzinobe #1

  2. Leg stretch (toe and knee)--ashi no suzinobe #2

  3. Leg thrust (squat down on one knee, other leg outstretched)
    --ashi no suzinobe #3

  4. Front kick (ball of foot )--mae geri

  5. Front kick (45 degrees) (blade edge of foot)--shokuto geri

  6. Cross stomp kick--shobakon ate

  7. Side kick (blade edge of foot)--yoko geri

  8. Side kick (ball of foot)--shoba geri

  9. Squat kick--o toshi geri

  10. Back kick--ushiro geri

  11. Front heel push kick--mae kon ate

  12. Knee kick--hiza geri

  13. Push-ups on knuckles--kensui

  14. Body twist (swing leg)--ziunan taisho

  15. Breathing exercise-shinkokyn



Techniques Used in Isshin-Ryu Karate


  1. Seisan-dachi

  2. Sanchin-dachi

  3. Soto-hachi-ji-dachi

  4. Uchi-hachi-ji-dachi

  5. Neko-dachi

  6. Tsuru-no-iwa-dachi

  7. Musubi-dachi

  8. Heisoku-dachi

  9. Heiko-dachi

  10. Teiju-dachi

  11. Zenkutsu-dachi


Geri Waza (Kicking techniques)

  1. Front strike--geri

  2. Back kick--ushiro geri

  3. Front kick (ball of foot)--mae geri

  4. Side kick (ball of foot)--shoba geri

  5. Front kick (heel and edge of foot)--shokuto-geri

  6. Side kick ((heel and edge of foot)--yoko-geri

  7. oundhouse kick--mawashi-geri

  8. Crescent kick--mika-zuki-geri

  9. Knee kick--hiza-geri

  10. Flying front kick--mae-tobi-geri

  11. Flying side kick--yoko-tobi-geri

  12. Flying back kick--ushiro-tobi-geri

  13. Flying roundhouse kick--mawashi-tobi-geri

  14. Font push kick (heel of foot)--mae-kon-ate

  15. Hook kick--yoko-mawashi-geri

  16. Double kick--ni dan-geri

  17. Cross stomp kick--shobakon-ate

Uchi Waza (Striking techniques)

  1. Knife hand strike--shuto-uchi

  2. Bottom fist strike--tettsui-uchi

  3. Palm heel strike--teisho-uchi

  4. Back fist strike--uraken-uchi

  5. Ridge hand--haito

Tsuki Waza (Punching techniques)

  1. Vertical fist punch--tate-tsuki

  2. Lunge punch--oi-tsuki

  3. Reverse punch--gyaku-tsuki

  4. Round punch (big strike)--o-uchi

  5. Rising punch--jodan tsuki

  6. Downward lunge punch--gedan oi-tsuki

  7. Downward reverse punch--gedan-gyaku-tsuki

  8. Rising lunge punch--jodan-oi-tsuki

  9. Rising reverse punch--jodan-gyaku-tsuki

  10. U-punch--yama-tsuki

  11. Knife hand strike--shuto-uchi

  12. Bottom fist strike--tettsui-uchi

  13. Palm heel strike--teisho-uchi

  14. Back fist strike--uraken-uchi

  15. Ridge hand--haito

Uke Waza (Blocking techniques)

  1. Block--uke

  2. Palm-heel block--teisho-uke

  3. Bottom fist block--tettsui-uke

  4. Middle block--chudan-uke

  5. Open hand block (sweep)--tegata barai

  6. Rising block (forearm)--jodan uke

  7. Downward block (sweep)--gedan barai

  8. X block--ju-ji-uke

Hiji Waza (Elbow techniques)

  1. Front elbow strike--mae-hiji-uchi

  2. Side elbow strike--yoko-hiji-uchi

  3. Back elbow strike--ushiro-hiji-uchi

  4. Rising elbow strike--jodan-hiji-uchi

  5. Downward elbow strike--gedan-hiji-uchi

  6. Round back elbow strike--ma washi-hiji-uchi



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