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Located at the South Gillies Community Center, we have karate mats to execute a greater variety of exercises and ground techniques. We also have contact equipment and gear. Including heavy bags, focus gloves speed bags, and some sparring gear (It is recommended that you purchase your own equipment for fitting reasons). Also we have a variety of martial weapons for practice and Kata use. For greater realism we have rubber modern weapons to practice self-defence and disarming techniques without worrying about injury.

Tumble Mats:


For greater range of exercise and technique safety.

Contact Equipment


A wide range of gear to hit and protect yourself when hitting (You can't practice Power on a friend or he won't be you freind for long ;)


Martial and Practice Weapons:


The use of trantional karate weapons in katas (or forms) helps to build body controle and strength. The modern practice weapons are for the self defence portion of the classes.


Train to the worse and hope for the best.


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